Our Community

The Learner Web’s digital literacy partnership is funded as a Sustainable Broadband Adoption project by the Broadband Opportunities Technology Program of the U.S. Department of Commerce. This project builds on and extends an existing community of Learner Web partners that has developed online content and blended it with offline services to strengthen community collaboration around lifelong learning, help youth and adults to transition successfully into postsecondary education and employment, and provide professional development and tutoring support in adult education. 

The new digital literacy project will broaden the on-ramps to the information highway for economically vulnerable and digitally excluded populations. This in turn will increase access for these populations to other services provided by the Learner Web and its community partners. The existing community of Learner Web partners and library of shared Learning Plans has been supported by funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services through a National Leadership Grant designed to strengthen community collaboration to support literacy and library services.

The growing Learner Web community now includes partners in 11 states and a shareable library of nearly 50 Learning Plans that have been developed or are under development. Some partners are actively developing Learning Plans to share, others are implementing (and sometimes modifying) Learning Plans, and some partners are doing both. 

Want to learn more about the community?—please visit Learner Web.org.
Interested in joining?—please contact us.